5 Best Ways To Stop Produce From Going Bad!

Buying produce is great, since you can stock up and enjoy it whenever you want. The problem is that you always want to avoid situations when the produce is going bad. Here you have a list with tips and ideas on how you can actively prevent that, and it does work really nicely.

Always store the produce dry

If you store it wet or humid, then that will affect its quality and integrity. Which is why storing it dry is the ideal option. It will help save quite a bit of time, and the best part is that you can avoid throwing it away. So yes, clean the produce and ensure that it’s dry when you add it to the fridge.

Use Fridge Ninja

The Fridge Ninjaproduct is great since it uses activated carbon in order to trap all the unwanted smells naturally. And since activated carbon regenerates, it will work for a very long time. You don’t have to replace it that often, and in the end you will be quite amazed with how well it works. Just take that into consideration. You can get 15% off using code 15OFFNINJA as well.

Bag your produce

Adding produce in a bag will help prevent moisture from evaporating. It will help retain the produce from going bad, and that will only make the process better and easier. Which is exactly what you want to think about in a situation like this.

Isolate the gassy produce

What a lot of people don’t realize is that some produce like potatoes, pears, ripe bananas and apples generate Ethylene. This gas will accelerate ripening and you want to avoid that. You do want to take all these things into account and prevent ripening unless you absolutely want to do so.

Toss it in the freezer

If you want to keep the produce for quite some time, freeze it. Add it to the freezer after you prepare it by cutting it into pieces. It will help quite a bit, you just add those pieces in a plastic bag and you can keep it for up to 3 months in the freezer.

As you can see, there are various ways to stop produce from going bad. The main focus is to ensure you follow these ideas listed above, since they will protect your produce. Simple actions like these are always making a difference, so check them out!


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