5 Top Natural Ways To Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Fresh!

We all want our fridge to smell amazing and also eliminate all the unwanted odors. That can be tricky to do for a lot of people, but there are natural methods you can use to achieve those goals. Here’s what you can do.

Clean the fridge and wipe everything down

Some warm water will be more than ok and you will be shocked at how much it can help. Cleanliness is crucial if you want your fridge to feel fresh, and that’s’ exactly why it makes sense to use something like this. Plus it’s easy to use too, so it’s totally worth the effort.

Use Fridge Ninja

Fridge Ninja relies on activated carbon in order to remove all those unwanted smells naturally. Since activated carbon regenerates naturally, it’s the ideal product to use if you want to stop those bad smells from affecting your fridge experience. You can even get 15% off using code 15OFFNINJA.

Keep humidity levels under control

High humidity levels in your fridge will end up being a problem. That’s why you want to avoid those the best way that you can. It’s helpful and it will bring in a very good result. Avoid those high humidity levels and instead find ways to keep them under control.

Thaw with ease

If you thaw meat from the freezer, use a plate to avoid any drippings on the shelves. It happens, so you really want to tackle it appropriately and in the end it will deliver a much better experience. Which is exactly the thing to keep in mind.

Put some baking soda in the fridge

Even if baking soda might not be the ultimate way to remove odors, it does work quite well. That being said, you have to replace it quite often, but in the end it will provide a great result and that’s what you need.


All these tips and tricks are great if you want to keep the fridge clean and fresh in the long run. As you can see, this is not a hard task to do, but it will convey great results and a wonderful value. Yes, it does take some trial and error to ensure everything works as expected. But in the end once you start following these tips you will be very happy with the results they convey. So it’s well worth giving them a shot right away!


What Is Activated Carbonand How Does It Eliminate Odours?


Arrggghhh My Fridge Stinks! What Can I Do?